Life Story of Jacob by Dr. Andrew C S Koh
"Life of Jacob" by Dr. Andrew C S Koh is an inspiring devotional journey through Jacob's life from Genesis 26–36. Through daily devotional readings, Bible study guides, and thought-provoking questions, you will gain a deeper insight into Jacob and ultimately God's Word. Experience Jacob's journey of spiritual growth as you grow closer to God and gain more knowledge about His Word. Jacob will enrich and inspire your spiritual journey with captivating narratives. Explore how his life provides correction, conviction, enrichment, and blessing as you develop closer ties with Him and gain a better understanding of His word. This in-depth exploration of Jacob's life is an absolute must-read for any believer seeking to cultivate and deepen their relationship with God. Appropriate for both new and experienced believers alike, "Life of Jacob" serves as the ideal companion on your spiritual journey. "Life of Jacob" could be exactly what's missing from your library! Take control of your life, starting now. Take an exciting plunge into Jacob's life story today and read all about Jacob!
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Genre: Christian Nonfiction, Spirituality
Book Length: 60-150 Pages